Cross-border insolvency proceedings

Cross-border insolvency proceedings require rapid intervention and proven expertise in both jurisdictions. Only those who perfectly command both German and Spanish Insolvency Law with their respective international legal implications and are perfectly competent in both jurisdictions can meet the request for a "simple and rapid" procedure in Spain.

In particular, the International Insolvency Proceedings Law is a minefield for inexperienced practitioners. We have acquired this specialised knowledge over more than 20 years of intense activity for banks, funds and private equity firms, where we have been able to reach serve our clients via a business orientated focus.

We are helping German and foreign insolvency administrators to immediately support their enforcement rights in Spain as well as other rights. The implementation of security measures under Art. 25 I. subsection 3 EuInsVO by German courts having effects for Spain is our area of expertise. We act quickly and apply effective safeguards. Again, our specialization pays off. Experience and sound knowledge are also guarantees for a rapid and successful intervention.

Only our long-standing international legal expertise in Spain makes it possible for our clients´ rights to be effectively implemented and recognized in Spain. It is no secret that, particularly in Spain, the gap between theory (substantive law) and practice (what is reality?) is extremely wide. Our clients rely on our experience and expertise 

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